Coolwood Books

The works of Jen and Michael Coolwood

06/08/2020 – Quiet Week

I was having a good time writing a first draft of the next book, but then my editor got in touch to say she’s nearly ready to send the current big project back to me. So I’m having a quiet week now, trying to reset, clear my head and rest in anticipation of getting that project back. That means doing very little writing, including this blog thing, so this will be a short one.

So, let me talk about something I’ve been meaning to get down in writing for ages, even though it’s massively egotistical: What do I want from this writing thing?

When writers or creatives complain about getting harassed by internet mobs, there’s always someone in the comments saying ‘that’s the price of getting famous’ or ‘why did they start down this road if they couldn’t handle it?’.

Well, I’m going on record as saying I don’t want to be famous. I don’t want a large public profile. If I did become famous and if I did get a public profile I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it, mainly because I enjoy talking about my work and I can go on for ages about my inspirations and processes. But the fame isn’t the point. It’s not the reason why I’m doing this.

I want to make a living from my writing, whilst writing the sorts of things I want to write – innovative, diverse fantasy and science fiction. My health means it’s extremely difficult to hold down a normal job, but writing fulfils me and I can do it even when my health is pretty bad. I want to get to the point where I can make, say, £20,000 a year from writing. That’s an unbelievably unrealistic goal as the industry currently stands, even successful authors like Claire North still hold down a second job in addition to their bestselling novels. But still, there it is.