Coolwood Books

The works of Jen and Michael Coolwood

12/11/2020 - Art is Never Completed, Only Abandoned

I have a short attention span. Once I spend a certain amount of time on a project, I get bored and want to move on. Thankfully I tend to only want to do this once I’ve got a project into a good state, otherwise I’d have the opening chapter of 50 novels sitting on my hard drive. My short attention span has led to me writing a bunch of books. It’s also led to me moving on from a bunch of projects without spending enough time polishing them. Something I continue to struggle with is knowing where that line is, between abandoning a project too early, and spending so long on it I get completely fed up with the thing. I hate several of my books because I spent too long working on them. I’m utterly sick of anything to do with them. Others haven’t fared as badly, and I’m not 100% sure where the line between those projects is.