Coolwood Books

The works of Jen and Michael Coolwood

14/05/2020 - 500 words

Here is an incomplete list of my health problems:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Depression and Anxiety, likely as a result of the CFS

  • Skin Cancer (in remission)

  • Dyslexia

  • A possible sleep disorder

These things together mean maintaining a daily routine is hard. I can never garauntee how much I’ll be able to do on any one day. I can pretty easily garauntee that I’ll be able to work 20 hours a week… but I can’t say that I’ll be able to work the hours of 9:00am to 2:00pm, monday to friday. I spent all of my 20s and a good chunk of my 30s trying to live like that and it resulted in my health deteriorating rapidly and required several trips to hospital.

So, currently I am trying to write 500 words a day. This is pretty low by my standards. In the past I’ve peaked at around 5,000 words a day. That wasn’t sustainable and led to a crash which resulted in me being unable to write at all for about six months. Health is wierd. So far, I am finding writing 500 words a day to be sustainable.