The Benefits Of Submitting The Proper Way
Having your work rejected is like having a tiny needle dug into your skin. It hurts, but not much.
With my last few books, I took the shotgun approach to submissions, and sent out about forty submissions in the space of a month. That meant, when the rejections started coming in, it was like getting stuck by 2-3 needles every single day.
I got rejected this morning, and it was a little disappointing, but it really wasn’t too bad. The reason for this is - this time around, I’m submitting The Proper Way - in tiny batches. I have three submissions out in the wild currently, and I’ve lined up the next four for when those three fail.
That means that the tiny needle I felt at the latest rejection was easy to shrug off - I’ve got the next set of submissions to do. After that, I have another set. Keeping focussed on the next set of submissions is helping.
That said, once I get through the two (or maybe three) sets of submissions I have lined up, I’m going to have to face down the fact that yet another one of my books has failed to land me an agent, and that’s going to be pretty rough. Until then, things are going a little better this time around.